短期課程:Recent research development in analog layout synthesis (I)
舉辦時間:民國105年07月09日 (六) 9:00 - 17:00 (8:40 – 9:00報到)
舉辦地點:元智大學一館 R1309
講員:國立中正大學 林柏宏教授
- Analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits play an important role in many emerging system-on-chip (SoC) and Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications. With the expansion of the markets of those applications, the demands of analog/mixed-signal ICs have been dramatically increased. However, the development of analog electronic design automation (EDA) tools is still farther behind that of digital EDA tools. As a result, analog/mixed-signal IC design, especially the analog layout design, is still a manual, time-consuming, and error-prone task. In order to speed up modern SoC design for large varieties of emerging applications, it is desirable to develop novel analog/mixed-signal IC design methodologies and algorithms, as well as new analog EDA tools. This short course will cover the following topics:
- Introduction to analog physical design flows and methodologies
- Analog placement considerations and methods
- Analog routing considerations and methods
- Simultaneous analog placement and routing
- Future challenges and research directions
聯絡人:劉一宇 03-4638800 ext.2377